You post on Facebook weekly, tweet daily and are pretty busy on Insta too, but to what end? Are these efforts really increasing your bottom line? Are they driving patients to your practice? Is your skin care line selling off the shelves?

Social media results’ monitoring can help eliminate some of this head scratching and guesswork.

It’s an ongoing task that starts with:

1. Setting your goals

What do you want out of this campaign? Patients? Profits? Publicity? Set your goals before starting your campaign.

2. Tracking your progress

Every referral to a web site has source, Google Analytics is a free website metrics tool that can track how many people visit your practice website by clicking on your social content or sharing your links. You can also set up customized goals for different types of conversions you wish to track (leads, inquiries, downloaded forms or coupons, a subscription to your e-newsletter, or anything else that requires a specific action). Look for social conversion data under “Traffic Sources” and click on “Conversions.” Detailed instructions will then guide you through setting up your social-tracking goals.

3. Acting on your findings

What kind of content fetches the best engagement and response? Once you know what your target audience likes, responds or relates to and on what channels, you can refine your strategy to better catch them where they live and give them what they want.