Guaranteed: Being seen as the expert or authority in your field will boost sales and fill waiting rooms.
So, exactly how do you cultivate or capitalize on such authority?
For starters:
Start a blog
Blogging will keep your name and expertise out there. Make sure to publish once or twice a week on topics relevant to your practice. Videos are also a great way to get your name, face and ideas out there.
Write a book
Not the easiest endeavor, but publishing a book on the subjects that you hold near and dear (say whether mommy makeovers or healthy skin) is a great way to elevate your brand and authority status. The expression “I wrote the book” literally means “I am the expert.” Think about your niche, define your audience and get cracking. Self-publishing is an increasingly attractive option. Remember to display your book prominently in your office and highlight its publication on all of your social media pages.
Get quoted
Let media and influential beauty bloggers know you are available for interviews on topics related to your specialties. Consider hiring a publicist if you don’t have the bandwidth to reach out on your own. Once quoted, always say thank you and share the article across your social medial channels.
Get social
Social media is where it’s at these days. Be more active on channels like LinkedIn and YouTube. Take advantage of new features on channels you are already active on such as Instagram Stories and Facebook Live to put a face to a name so patients and media will get to know you and want to hear more from you.
Chime in
Answer queries on Realself or Quora on topics that fit in with your practice philosophy. More is more. Do this on a regular basis. Comment on blog posts and ask and answer questions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be part of the conversation. Be proactive and start your own conversations too.
Credential yourself
You worked very hard for your degrees, awards, accomplishments and accolades, so make sure those letters and titles are displayed prominently whenever your name appears.
All of these exercises will keep your brand top of mind for your target audiences so when they are ready to have a treatment, they will come to you. Guaranteed.
Contact us to find out more about how these authority marketing strategies can elevate your profile.