Were you quoted in US Weekly? HuffPo? Did you write an article for a trade pub? Participate in a segment on your local news?
This type of content (or links to it) belongs on your site’s media section.
Positive and recent press should be prominently displayed for prospective patients and/or interested journalists to peruse.
Your “Media” section can live in the “About Us” section of your website or it can be a dedicated menu option.
In it, include:
- Press releases
- Links to press coverage on websites – magazines, blogs, newspapers
- Links to broadcast appearances – TV, YouTube, videos
- Links to quotes from you or your practice in trade publications
- Journal articles that have your byline
Don’t forget to add a media contact, whether it is your PR firm, Marketing Director, Office Manager, or the Doctor(s). Adding a press contact email and cell phone number encourages members of the media to reach out, knowing that you are open to talking to them. Make sure the contact information is up-to-date.