A Curriculum Vitae (CV) follows your career from your undergraduate experience through the present. It is mandatory when you are applying for a job, or membership in a professional society, or seeking a hospital appointment. For some highly experienced physicians, a CV can be up to 30 pages long.

What is compelling to your peers can be a real snore to your patients. You have done a lot to be proud of but your prospective patients don’t want the full-volume set, they want the sizzle reel.

They want to know about your education, board certification, fellowships, hospital appointments, and areas of specialty training.

Create a brief bio can be to be used on websites, press kits, and practice brochures.

It should include:

  • Board certification – add the name of the board
  • Current hospital appointments
  • Academic positions or professional titles
  • Relevant professional memberships
  • Education – from undergraduate level up including fellowships
  • Areas of practice specialization

Optional Details

  • Media recognition
  • Honors and awards
  • Charitable work
  • Books written

For the purposes of a brief bio, it may be simpler to summarize publications by stating, “S/he has written more than 100 papers and chapters in the medical literature.” Finally, the photo that may accompany your bio should be current and taken in the last three to five years max.