If you still believe in the mantra that if your content is good, it will get seen, liked, and shared, you haven’t been paying attention.
Content is a broad term used to describe everything from social posts, patient testimonials, and images to video snippets, memes and slideshows. To make your content work for you, you need to develop clear objectives and strategies for your marketing program and avoid getting stuck in a rut.
Ensuring that your content actually gets seen requires a combination of earned media attention and paid boosting, especially in light of changing algorithms. New rules on Facebook and Twitter are having an impact, as these platforms try to prove that they are attempting to reel in rampant fake accounts and bots.
Let’s face it; people who do not know about you don’t necessarily care about your brand. To reach them, find out why they should care and how best to deliver messages that will resonate with the target audiences you have in mind. For example, not everyone wants to watch your patients talk about their laser experience, or show off their new (fill in the blank). Some fans may also be turned off by watching a live procedure, especially in the form of intraoperative videos.
So, think about how you can make your content more powerful to reach your target audiences. You may use it for Instagram Stories, create a clever meme, or share it on your blog. Strong content can always be repackaged to expand its uses and its reach across digital platforms.
Some topics may be off limits and present new challenges for getting patients to talk about their experience. These may include such taboo areas as vaginal rejuvenation, hair restoration, and sweat-reducing treatments. Patients may be less willing to share content about these experiences because they are private, and they have not decided to go public yet or ever. For these areas, you may have to find another way to spread the word.