Your image is your stock and trade, so it’s important to look the part. Let’s face it, it can be awkward to speak into a camera especially the first time. We also know that today’s plastic surgery patients are seeking procedures based on how they look on Facebook and Instagram, so they are likely applying these same standards to you. If you are using your vlog to lure in new patients, you better look your best.

Here are 5 easy-to-follow tips on looking good while vlogging or even consulting online.

1. Stare at the man (or woman) in the mirror. Do you have broccoli in between your teeth? lipstick on your teeth? Is your hair too tousled? Spend some time looking in the mirror before you start taping.

2. Get framed. you don’t want to be too close or too far away from your camera. It may take some trial and error to figure out what looks best.. If your webcam is at the top of your laptop screen, move your screen back and forth, creating different angles to see what works. In general, your webcam should level with your eyes or slightly higher

3. Follow the light. A bright light behind you makes you look dark. Instead, make sure to face the light.

4. Dim the background noise.. Be careful not to vlog in the wind or other “loud” places. Also make sure the actual background or backdrop doesn’t take away from the star – you – and your message.

5. Keep it clean. Your lens, that is. Clean your lens very often.

Make sure to vlog on a consistent basis., and you will find your stage presence improves exponentially with each broadcast. Break a leg!