A well-designed multi-channel marketing plan will create the largest reach by targeting a wide range of consumers where they are most likely to learn about it. A multi-channel marketing plan can cover a lot of ground if you have a reasonable budget to invest in. However, most practices operate on a shoestring, so designing a plan that is very narrowly targeted right out of the gate is a critical success factor. The less you can spend, the more targeted you need to be. Once you hit your core audience, you can opt to expand your reach through other marketing strategies.

The most cost-effective strategy, and the most measurable, is through social media platforms. Pre and post-COVID channels are where aesthetic patients live and spend their time gathering information, talking to others, and making purchasing decisions. In priority order, Instagram and Facebook seem to deliver the best experience for aesthetic practices and an ad spend is essential on both of these platforms to promote your campaign.

Start early to design a comprehensive launch plan to introduce your new device, six weeks or more. The first step is to get the whole staff onboarded on the system; how it works, what results it offers, the ideal number of treatments, who are the best candidates, aftercare and downtime, etc. It’s a good idea for them to experience the treatment themselves so they can speak to it directly with patients, or at least to watch the treatment being done. The more educated they are, the better they will be able to talk to patients about it.

Roll out the new treatment to your VIP patients first, preferably at an exclusive ‘once-in-a-lifetime price point, such as 25-30% off for a limited time like 30 days to instill a sense of urgency. You may allow long-term patients to bring a friend for an additional bonus, such as an extra session or gift card for a different treatment or product. Fees should be paid upfront. This strategy can go a long way to recoup some of your investment in the first month of operating the system.

After 30 days, you can go wider with promoting your new system to current patients, and finally expand to attract new patients. As we all know, it is much less expensive to market internally to patients who already know and like you, than to go outside of your practice to bring in new patients. Effective tactics may include virtual events featuring a demonstration, incentives such as a complimentary virtual consult to drive attendance and path to purchase, Instagram Lives, and gift with purchase bundling.

Nothing sells services like real patient photos and videos, and video is an essential component of an aesthetic practice marketing campaign today. As staff and patients are getting treated, start to collect video content and pre/post photos with consents to replace the company photos you may have used when you launched the device. These important marketing tools can be used across all social media channels as well as your blog and website.

Lastly, get out of your comfort zone. Take a walk on the wild side and check out TikTok or Instagram Reels to include short-form videos into your marketing strategy. Got a medical marketing question or concern that you need advice on? Reach out to us